Ново проучване доказа, че между коронавируса и начина на хранене има връзка. При вегетарианците и веганите опасността от тежко протичане на заболяването е значително по-малка.
To reach this conclusion, experts conducted a study, the results of which were published in the journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health. The researchers analyzed the condition of 2,900 medical workers from six countries - France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Britain and the United States - who had contacts with COVID-19 patients. 568 of them were infected with the coronavirus. It turned out that the participants in the study, who followed a vegetarian or vegan diet, had a 73% lower risk of moderate or severe disease.
Adherents of the Pescatarian diet (which allows fish and seafood in addition to plant products) had a 59% lower risk.
But followers of a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet that is considered healthy were not protected from moderate to severe disease.